Puppet & object: medium and mediator
Medium and mediator
Dates: : 10,11 &12 of Νοvember
Meetings: Friday 15:00 με 19:00, Saturday 15:00-19:00, Sunday: 10:00-14:00
Fees: 80 euro
At Municipallity Hall of Thessaloniki
This practical workshop gives tools and tips on how puppets and objects can be used in therapeutic fields for all ages, from young children to adults. Working with a variety of figures and everyday objects, participants will discover their potential for symbolic communication, their suitability for dealing with sensitive subjects, and how they can disarm the ego defences and liberate the self.
Rene Baker (London, 1960) specialises in puppet and object theatre, and during 27 years professional experience she has worked as a performer, designer, maker, director, researcher, pedagogue and coach. She has developed an extensive training programme for all aspects of puppetry, including designing and teaching the postgraduate module “The puppet as pedagogic medium” at the Institut del Teatre (Barcelona), and regularly teaching on the Art Therapy Summer School organised by Metáfora (Barcelona)
Every year I teach a course within the Institut del Teatre‘s postgraduate diploma on Applied Theatre (15 ECTS) which examines the psychological, artistic and social reasons for using puppets and objects in the classroom and community. Students are usually professionals within their own fields and include drama teachers, social workers, school teachers, actors, art therapists and youth leaders.
The objective is to dismantle the preconception that puppetry is merely light entertainment for young children and to reveal the puppet’s potential for symbolic communication and how animated objects can be used to deal with sensitive issues, taboos and language learning.
Participants are introduced to a variety of puppets – which often changes their ideas about what a puppet is – and are shown simple techniques for bringing them to life. They develop their own manipulation skills by learning to animate a puppet as an accomplice or leader’s assistant and are given tools for getting the best out of puppets being performed by people who have no previous experience.
Using recycled materials and found objects, students make simple but effective puppets in different techniques. However, even the most basic figures are brought to life after being constructed as a reminder that puppets are not only sculptures but are a performance and communication tool.
The course ends by developing project proposals for different ages – preschool, primary school, adolescent, adult – in which the psychological, practical and theatrical reasons for using puppets and objects with that particular target group are articulated.
And whilst the rationale for the course is serious – puppets are a powerful tool for self-expression – there is always a lot of humour and laughter. As one participant recently wrote: “gràcies per fer-me reconéixer el titella que porto dins” – thank you for helping me find my inner puppet.
Images & Videos
Event Hours(3)
Παρασκευή 10 Νοε.
03:00 pm – 07:00 pm
Puppet & object: medium and mediator
Saturday Nov. 11
03:00 pm – 07:00 pm
Puppet & object: medium and mediator
Sunday Nov. 12
10:00 am – 02:00 pm
Puppet & object: medium and mediator
«VERIA THESS PUPPET FESTIVAL 2018», το Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Κουκλοθέατρου και Παντομίμας της Βέροιας. Στο Χώρο Τεχνών και στις πλατείες και δρόμους της Βέροιας.
8 μέρες συνεχόμενης θεατρικής γιορτής για όλες τις ηλικίες!
26 παραστάσεις από 12 βραβευμένους θιάσους, που προέρχονται από 6 διαφορετικές χώρες.
Παραστάσεις, πρωινές για μαθητές δημοτικών σχολείων και γυμνασίων και για όλη την οικογένεια στο απογευματινό πρόγραμμα.
Θεατρικά έργα στα ελληνικά και χωρίς λόγια και με πολύ μουσική, κίνηση και φυσικά με εμψύχωση κουκλών και αντικειμένων ώστε να ερμηνεύσουν ιστορίες από διαφορετικούς πολιτισμούς και παραδόσεις.
Με παράλληλες εκπαιδευτικές προτάσεις, όπως 2 σεμινάρια ενηλίκων για την ανακάλυψη του θεατρικού κόσμου των αντικειμένων, 12 θέατρο-παιδαγωγικά εργαστήρια για παιδιά, και 2 εκθέσεις για το κουκλοθέατρο και το θεέατρο σκιών στην ιστορία της ανθρωπότητας & στην Ελλάδα.
Από τις 15 έως τις 22 Οκτωβρίου, «VERIA THESS PUPPET FESTIVAL 2018», στο Χώρο Τεχνών και στις πλατείες και δρόμους της Βέροιας.