“Il teatro mobile” – «Mobile theatre»

5, 6 & 7 of Νοvember at Municipality of Lagadas
8, 9 & 10 of November at Municipality of Michaniona
11, 12 & 13 of November in the centre of Thessaloniki

The Mobile Theatre will set up its “piazza”, its artistic plaza in central places of every municipality, outdoors. The two vehicles will create an open space

The idea

Mobile Theatre is the collaboration and the family union between two theatrical companies; «Girovago e Rondella” and “La Compagnia Dromosofista”. Those companies consist of actors, musicians, artists, mimics, clowns and inventors.

They try to create a “common language” with their audience for communicating in a sincere way with all audience without any discrimination concerning the mother tongue, the age or the social status etc.
The artists through the puppet, the objects and the music… present poetic stories that have deep humanistic meaning.

The mobile theatre consists of:

  1. The «Theatre-bus». A rather big bus that its interior is like a small theatre with velvet seats and lanterns. The stage is small and close to the audience.
  2. An 11-meter-truck that has another stage inside

They are all set up as an open-air courtyard with two theaters, a small recreation area, a small library for the Art of theater and a place with some interactive toys (sculptures, visual and audio toys) . This is actually an outdoor multi-site.

The performances:

1. Girovago e Rondella “MANOVIVA”

  • 35 minutes
  • 4+
  • Puppet show without words
  • “The Bus Theatre”
  • 35 adults or mixed audience of 40 persons (kids & adults)


Manoviva, a puppet played by the 5 fingers of the hand. It is made by natural latex.
When the stage lights light up, you will all enter a tiny worlds where everything is possible.
This show has been presented in 18 countries and has been also used as a therapeutic method.

2. “Dromosofistas” “Antipodi”

  • 35 minutes
  • 6+
  • Puppet show without words
  • “The Camion Theatre”
  • 35 adults or mixed audience of 40 persons (kids & adults)

Three different characters invite us to follow them in their journey. Together we make a dreamy trip on a tiny horse and we meet strange little humans and their shadows.
This performance combines puppet theatre and object theatre techniques from all over the world. Transformations and live music co-exist in this unique 35-minue journey!

3. Artistic installation

“Teatrini Emozionali” (emotion theatres)

A number of wooden boxes are installed in the middle of the square. From a small hole in the box, you are able to see a mechanic show that lasts 1 an a half minute. Every single box has a different hidden treasure.

With the financial support of the “Thessaloniki Tourism Organization” and “Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Atenne.”

Images & Videos

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Event Hours(10)

  • Sunday Nov. 12

    11:00 am – 11:35 am

    The Play: «Girovago e Rondella»

  • Sunday Nov. 12

    11:30 am – 12:05 pm

    The Play: «Antipodi»

  • Sunday Nov. 12

    12:00 pm – 12:35 pm

    The Play: «Girovago e Rondella»

  • Sunday Nov. 12

    12:30 pm – 01:05 pm

    The Play: «Antipodi»

  • Κυριακή 12 Νοε.

    05:00 pm – 05:30 pm

    The Play: «Girovago e Rondella»

  • Monday Nov. 13

    11:00 am – 11:35 am

    The Play: «Girovago e Rondella»

  • Monday Nov. 13

    11:30 am – 12:05 pm

    The Play: «Antipodi»

  • Monday Nov. 13

    12:30 pm – 01:05 pm

    The Play: «Antipodi»

  • Monday Nov. 13

    05:00 pm – 05:35 pm

    The Play: «Girovago e Rondella»

  • Monday Nov. 13

    05:30 pm – 06:05 pm

    The Play: «Antipodi»


«VERIA THESS PUPPET FESTIVAL 2018», το Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Κουκλοθέατρου και Παντομίμας της Βέροιας. Στο Χώρο Τεχνών και στις πλατείες και δρόμους της Βέροιας.
8 μέρες συνεχόμενης θεατρικής γιορτής για όλες τις ηλικίες!

26 παραστάσεις από 12 βραβευμένους θιάσους, που προέρχονται από 6 διαφορετικές χώρες.

Παραστάσεις, πρωινές για μαθητές δημοτικών σχολείων και γυμνασίων και για όλη την οικογένεια στο απογευματινό πρόγραμμα.

Θεατρικά έργα στα ελληνικά και χωρίς λόγια και με πολύ μουσική, κίνηση και φυσικά με εμψύχωση κουκλών και αντικειμένων ώστε να ερμηνεύσουν ιστορίες από διαφορετικούς πολιτισμούς και παραδόσεις.
Με παράλληλες εκπαιδευτικές προτάσεις, όπως 2 σεμινάρια ενηλίκων για την ανακάλυψη του θεατρικού κόσμου των αντικειμένων, 12 θέατρο-παιδαγωγικά εργαστήρια για παιδιά, και 2 εκθέσεις για το κουκλοθέατρο και το θεέατρο σκιών στην ιστορία της ανθρωπότητας & στην Ελλάδα.

Από τις 15 έως τις 22 Οκτωβρίου, «VERIA THESS PUPPET FESTIVAL 2018», στο Χώρο Τεχνών και στις πλατείες και δρόμους της Βέροιας.


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